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Another Happy Client

August 11, 2011


I have been working with a first-time home buyer lately who is a nurse.  We got into talking about our careers and how in both lines of work you really have to love what you do.  I love what I do.  Of course the hours are long and  some days are much better than others but in the end, there is nothing better than helping people reach their real estate goals.  Yesterday I received this email from a past client.

Hello Marnie,

First please except my sincere apologies for the delay in sending this e-mail.

I would like to express my deepest thanks for the selling of 276 Tivoli Private  which allowed me to purchase 934B Pinecrest Road.  I realize that this would not have happened had it not been, for the innovative approach taken by you and your team  during the time when the real estate market took a downward spiral.

The dedication of Tyler Laird and his unique way of listening to the customer was most appreciated and you are fortunate, to have someone of his caliber, as part of your team.  Not only was he a salesmen, but at times a counsellor and rose to the challenge of each of these roles.  It was due to his persistence that I now have, a home that I thoroughly enjoy and might I say, love.

Should you ever want customer participation as part of you ad campaigns I would only be happy to do so.  We never know what lies in store of us but I do know that should I ever sell or rent out my home it will be done with Bennett Real Estate Pros.

Sincerely one satisfied customer,

Barry Hollywood

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